Q1 2020 Business Meeting Minutes

Q1 2020 Business Meeting
New City Library, March 11, 2020

Attending in person were Karyn, Sara, Amelia, Francesca, Craig, Katie, Richard, Marc, and Matt.
Attending via videoconference were Stacey, Kevin, and Piglet from Ostgardr.
Meeting was called to order at 7:37PM.

Social meetings are currently on hold due to coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, but are still considered an excellent idea for group activities once we’re back to normal.
While isolating and practicing social distancing, ideas for largesse and other projects were shared.

Officer Reports

  • Seneschal – our bid for full status has been approved by the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, and plans were originally to announce into court at Mudthaw. It was recommended that each officer identify a deputy or two, preferable newer members who would like to know more about holding an office.
    We are not having any spring classes with Clarkstown due to missing the deadline, and we will target the fall calendar or aim for winter/spring.
  • Webminister – Marc is back in action and will be trained on the office shortly.
  • MOAS – discussed largesse ideas and other varied projects. Let everyone know about the Lucky Seven Largesse Challenge for Coronation. Asked for anyone interested in being a deputy. Invited anyone interested to come over and help build thrown weapons stands.
  • Exchequer – no change in money status from previous meeting. Full status will require additional paperwork from office, discussed need for Financial Committee and who would need to be on it.

Site Committee – standing committee to investigate and develop contacts with possible event sites within the Shire’s territory. Committee members are now Amelia, Craig, and Francesca.
Event Committee – standing committee to come up with and plan out events. Members are now Sara, Matt, Richard, and Katie.

Mudthaw Potluck – ways to keep food sanitary, including individual portion bags, disposable utensils and gloves, plastic tablecloths. Piglet suggested dividing dishes up into single-serve portions which could be served in plastic bags.

We are planning for a potential fall calendar event.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:23PM.

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