Old Stonebridges Q4 2021 Business Meeting Minutes

The Old Stonebridges Q4 Business Meeting was held via Google Meet on Wednesday, December 29.

Attending were Sara, Matt, Craig, Amelia, Richard, Marc, Eliza, Stan, and Maria.

Meeting was called to order at 8:05PM.

First item was the election for the position of Seneschal, with a full 2-year term expiring in October of 2023. Sara ran unopposed. Voice vote was held with no objection.

Next agenda item was officer reports.

  • Seneschal – no new items to report. A suggestion was made to look into getting banners printed from a service for use at events. Cost would be low, around $30 or so.
  • MOAS – no new local business. Sara advised that TRH Ryou and Indrakshi’s staff would be holding garb weekends in order to make garb for the upcoming reign and everyone was invited to contribute if able.
  • Chatelaine – one new contact since last meeting, potential member in Suffern who was interested in heavy armoring. He was put into contact with Culann down in New Jersey as the closest heavy armorer that we know.
  • Exchequer – no change in funds since last report.
  • Webminister – no local news. Curia is upcoming and it was recommended that anyone with feedback should contribute it to the local seneschal or write to Kingdom or Regional.

A note of congratulations for our own Seneschal who was elevated to the Order of the Laurel at 100 Minutes War and Novice Day on November 20. Vivat for Magnifica Arabella De Mere!

The meeting formally concluded at 8:47PM.

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