Q3 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

The Old Stonebridges Q3 2023 Business Meeting took place via Google Meet on Wednesday, September 27, 2023.

Attending the meeting were Sara, Matt, Francesca, Amelia, Marc, Richard, Maria, and Mathghamhain from Appleholm.

The meeting was called to order at 8:07PM.

Officer Reports

  • Seneschal – no new news at this time.
  • Chatelaine – 2 new contacts via the website since the last meeting. Planning a social outing night between regular meetings. New City Library has finished their long remodel and meeting rooms are available for a return to in-person meetings.
  • Exchequer – Money is the same.
  • Webminister – no changes. Matthias will be stepping down as Kingdom Webminister in November.
  • MOAS – recently held a make-your-own-populace badge session at Barleycorn, would like to plan a crafty night soon to make bags or other largesse items.

New Business

  • No new business

Seneschal Elections

Arabella’s term as Seneschal is expiring and letters of intent are being sought for Seneschal. Per the Shire charter:

  • A call for letters of intent for any officer opening will be published on the website a minimum of three months prior to the vote. Election reminders will be published on the website a minimum of one month before the vote.
  • Letters of intent must be submitted in writing to the Seneschal no later than two months prior to the business meeting wherein the vote is to occur, and are to include:
    • Statement of interest in particular office
    • Candidate’s legal and SCA names
    • SCA valid proof of membership

To this end, these minutes server as an announcement for elections to be held at the Q4 Business Meeting. Please submit your letter of intent NO LATER THAN October 20, 2023 to Arabella at seneschal@oldstonebridges.eastkingdom.org.

Open Discussion

  • The idea was raised of the Shire joining Ostgardr and becoming a canton. Idea was debated and a planning meeting was suggested for a future date to debate the pros and cons of the issue.
  • A Shire apple-picking weekend was proposed, October 8/9 with a rain date the following weekend.
  • Upcoming events were discussed – Coronation, Crown Tournament, Followers of Peter The Dressmaker, 100 Minutes War. Please see the Kingdom website calendar for more details.

With no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:21PM.

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