Q3 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

The Old Stonebridges Q3 2023 Business Meeting took place via Google Meet on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Attending the meeting were Sara, Matt, Francesca, Amelia, Marc, Richard, Maria, and Mathghamhain from Appleholm. The meeting was called to order at 8:07PM. Officer Reports New Business Seneschal Elections Arabella’s term as Seneschal is expiring and letters of Read More …

Q4 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

The shire’s Q4 Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 7th. In attendance were Sara, Matt, Richard, Marc, Craig, and Amelia. Meeting was called to order at 8:23PM. Officer Reports Discussions of upcoming local events. Shire news: Sara was recently granted a Court Barony by TRM Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi. Amelia has recently become a student Read More …