1Q 2019 Business Meeting Minutes

The first quarter business meeting for Nordenfjord was held at the New City Library in New City on Wednesday, March 27 at 7:30PM.

Officers present:
Sensechal – Cailleach
MOAS – Arabella
Exchequer – Francesca
Webminister – Matthias

Members present:
Craig, Katie, Mark, Amelia.

Meeting was called to order at 7:30PM.

Officer Reports:

Webminister: pending his warrant being approved, Marc is now my deputy webminister. All officers are encouraged to have a deputy to help ensure the continuation of the group. No other newsworthy items.

Seneschal: Our classes held in conjunction with Clarkstown went extremely well. We will receive a small portion of the fees to cover our costs. We are sending a thank-you note to the Parks department signed by all of us, and we will begin planning for further set of classes to be held in the fall.

It’s time to start Pennsic planning.

Reporting on behalf of the Chatelaine, we had a few newcomer contacts come in through the website (Webminister: yay!) and those were routed to neighboring groups as that’s where the contacts lived (Webminister: boo!).

MOAS: Classes indeed went well. Our reports are in on time, and I have stepped into the position of Deputy Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences for the Central Region.

Exchequer: funds are still at the same level they were, held for us by Ostgardr.

Clarkstown Class Wrapup: kudos to all. This went from an idea to execution in almost no time at all. For future classes it was agreed that we should be a bit more organized. Per Craig and Katie, the origami class went well but the paper could have been a bit more distinct in colors between sides to make folding a little easier. Richard did an excellent job on the origami class though. Matthias believes that the calligraphy class could have gone a little better than it did in terms of participation but that overall it went very well.

Additional Business: it was suggested that the group form two committees – one for event planning and another for site search and evaluation. We will discuss at the next business meeting and look to formally seat volunteers for these committees. Upcoming events and carpooling opportunities for such were discussed.

The next meeting was suggested for either June 12 or 19, with a poll being planned.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12PM.