Q3 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

The Old Stonebridges Q3 2023 Business Meeting took place via Google Meet on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Attending the meeting were Sara, Matt, Francesca, Amelia, Marc, Richard, Maria, and Mathghamhain from Appleholm. The meeting was called to order at 8:07PM. Officer Reports New Business Seneschal Elections Arabella’s term as Seneschal is expiring and letters of Read More …

Q3 2023 Business Meeting Agenda

The Q3 2023 Shire Business Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 27th at 8PM over Google Meet. Shire Q3 Business Meeting Wednesday, September 27 · 8:00 – 9:30pmTime zone: America/New_YorkGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/eth-dyjc-zyfOr dial: ‪(US) +1 585-491-9539‬ PIN: ‪811 694 253‬#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/eth-dyjc-zyf?pin=3403596317437 Agenda

Q4 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

The shire’s Q4 Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 7th. In attendance were Sara, Matt, Richard, Marc, Craig, and Amelia. Meeting was called to order at 8:23PM. Officer Reports Discussions of upcoming local events. Shire news: Sara was recently granted a Court Barony by TRM Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi. Amelia has recently become a student Read More …

Q1 2023 Shire Business Meeting

Please join us on the evening of Wednesday, March 22 at 8PM EDT for the next Shire of Old Stonebridges Business Meeting via Google Meet. The agenda will be as follows: Old Stonebridges 1Q Business MeetingWednesday, March 22 · 8:00 – 9:00pmGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/cvi-wecv-ijfOr dial: ‪(US) +1 631-623-0362‬ PIN: ‪466 670 Read More …

Q4 2022 Old Stonebridges Business Meeting

Please join us at 8PM on Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 on Google Meet for the First Quarter Business Meeting. The Agenda will be as follows: We look forward to seeing you! Old Stonebridges Q4 Business MeetingWednesday, December 7 · 8:00 – 9:00pmGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/tnq-sywz-fssOr dial: ‪(US) +1 803-875-0851‬ PIN: ‪765 933 Read More …

Shire Q2 2022 Business Meeting

The Shire of Old Stonebridges will hold its Q2 Business Meeting on Wednesday, June 29th at 8PM at the home of the Seneschal. Members are also welcome to join online using the Google Meet link attached to the announcement. The agenda will be as following: Officer Reports Pennsic Sheetwall Miscellaneous Business Old Stonebridges Q2 Business Read More …

Old Stonebridges Q1 2022 Business Meeting

Please join us at 8PM on Wednesday, March 30 on Google Meet for the First Quarter Business Meeting. The Agenda will be as follows: Officer Reports Upcoming Events Return to in-person social activities? Miscellany We look forward to seeing you! Old Stonebridges Q1 2022 Business MeetingWednesday, March 30 · 8:00 – 9:00pmGoogle Meet joining infoVideo Read More …

Old Stonebridges Q4 2021 Business Meeting Minutes

The Old Stonebridges Q4 Business Meeting was held via Google Meet on Wednesday, December 29. Attending were Sara, Matt, Craig, Amelia, Richard, Marc, Eliza, Stan, and Maria. Meeting was called to order at 8:05PM. First item was the election for the position of Seneschal, with a full 2-year term expiring in October of 2023. Sara Read More …