Q4 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

The shire’s Q4 Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, December 7th.

In attendance were Sara, Matt, Richard, Marc, Craig, and Amelia.

Meeting was called to order at 8:23PM.

Officer Reports

  • Seneschal – nothing new to report, possibility of an upcoming project with the MOAS.
  • Exchequer – nothing new to report.
  • Chatelaine – we had a new contact via the website, we helped them connect with their local group which happened to be Nordenhalle.
  • MOAS – nothing new to report.
  • Webminister – nothing new to report.

Discussions of upcoming local events.

Shire news: Sara was recently granted a Court Barony by TRM Ryouko’jin and Indrakshi. Amelia has recently become a student to Baroness Cassair, and Sara wove the belt for them.

Meeting concluded at 8:41PM.

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